Four Ways Pilates can Relieve Lower Back Pain

Ah, the infamous lower back pain! It’s a real pain in the…well, lower back! If you’re someone who experiences bouts of chronic pain which disrupt your night and provide you with constant reminders of your aches throughout the day, then first let me be clear; you are not alone.

Back pain affects millions of people worldwide and is the leading cause of disability within the UK. Many frequently turn to expensive products to resolve this issue. Whilst there is certainly a place for some of these products, one thing we know as health and exercise professionals is that your body is equipped with the necessary tools and understanding to relieve itself of back pain. Here are four primary ways that Pilates can support chronic lower back pain.

1 Strengthening the Core Foundation:

Building a strong core foundation is key to supporting your lower back and mitigating pain. Pilates places a strong emphasis on core strengthening, targeting deep abdominal muscles such as the transversus abdominis and multifidus. These powerhouse muscles stabilise the spine and reduce strain on the lower back.

Through purposeful Pilates exercises, individuals can cultivate core strength, promote optimal spinal alignment, and experience a noticeable reduction in lower back pain.

2 Embracing Spinal Mobility:

Limited spinal mobility can contribute to lower back discomfort. Pilates exercises incorporate a wide range of movements that promote spinal mobility and flexibility. The controlled, flowing motions in Pilates help combat stiffness in the lower back, increase joint range of motion, and alleviate pain associated with muscular imbalances.

By embracing Pilates’ emphasis on fluid movements, you could bid adieu to rigidity and welcome the freedom of a more agile spine.

3 Postural Alignment:

Improving posture plays a pivotal role in alleviating lower back pain. Pilates encourages correct alignment and postural awareness, enabling individuals to develop healthier posture habits both during their sessions and in their daily lives.

By focusing on spinal alignment, Pilates alleviates undue pressure on the lower back, prevents excessive strain, and ultimately reduces pain. Imagine strolling through the vibrant streets of Greater Manchester with a renewed sense of poise and comfort!

4 Cultivating Mind-Body Harmony:

Pilates places significant importance on the mind-body connection, fostering heightened awareness of movement and intentional muscle engagement. This mindful approach allows individuals to identify and correct movement patterns that may contribute to lower back pain.

By cultivating a stronger mind-body connection through Pilates practice, individuals gain greater control over their movements, reducing the risk of further injury and experiencing long-term pain relief.

What next?

These are just some of the benefits you may experience through conscious and consistent practice of Pilates. It should also be noted that unfortunately for us humans, nothing comes easily or immediately.

To experience these benefits over time takes consistent practice and patience. We would also always recommend you seek support from experienced professionals to help you through this. At Grounded we ensure that all of our instructors are equipped to help you overcome injury and relieve that pain in the b…ack!


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